Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcome to Food Choices!

Nathalie and I have always enjoyed food. We enjoy shopping for food as well as cooking, baking and making food together. We try as much as possible to avoid processed foods, and to buy foods that are fresh, organic, and local.

Last year, we decided to stop eating meat. Eggs, dairy and some fish were ok at first, but we have been gradually phasing those out as well. We've been spending more time working out a balanced diet, trying new recipes, and finding food that meets our requirements. Since starting to pay more attention to our food's supply chain, it has become harder to ignore other impacts of our food system, including the impact on the environment, on the animals and people involved, and on our economy and society as a whole.

The more we learned, the more complicated it has become, the more daunting the challenge of trying to define what it means 'to eat right', to come up with a plan for moving towards that ideal, and to then put that plan into action. We've learned a bit, but have a lot more questions then we did when we started.

And that's were this blog comes in. We've decided that it would be a good idea for us to try to share our experiences as we try to work out this aspect of our lives. We know we are not the only people out there facing this challenge, and we don't expect to come up with any magic solution or plan that will solve everyone's food problems. But by putting ourselves out there, we're hoping to maybe raise some awareness of these issues, maybe connect with others who can offer advice and share their experiences, and maybe even be able to offer some of our own insights along the way.

We don't have any specific ideas for how this blog will evolve. We know that it will be personal and local, specific to our values and where we live. But beyond that, we're just going to play it by ear and see how it goes. Comments and feedback are always welcome, so please feel free to leave a comment if you are so inclined!